XIANZAI $XIAN - Safe Token for All
0% Buy
0% Sell
Supply: 10 billion tokens
Liquidity Pool: 100%
Burn: 6.08%
Liquidity locked
Contract Renounced
Fully Decentralized
No Blacklist
No Whitelist
Transparency and responsiveness to market dynamics help maintain strong relationships and adapt to evolving conditions in the cryptocurrency landscape.
In the early stages of this journey, the collaboration with cryptocurrency exchanges becomes my guiding star. These partnerships are the bedrock upon which the success of XIANZAI $XIAN will be built.
Formation of token groups (Telegram, X)
CoinGecko / Coinmarketcap Listings
1,000+ Holders
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Stepping into the implementation phase, the exchanges I've joined are like trusted companions on this thrilling ride. Listing XIANZAI $XIAN creates a sense of accomplishment, a tangible mark of progress. With each trade executed, I can almost feel the heartbeat of the market. As I introduce XIANZAI $XIAN to the world, I engage in conversations with the crypto community, sharing the story behind it.
Community Partnerships
Logo Wallets update
Price update on wallets
Listing on Cold Wallets
CEX Listings
10,000+ Holders
In the expansion phase, exchanges aren't just platforms; they're part of my extended family. The relationships have matured, evolving into a mutual understanding of each other's strengths. I widen my circle, embracing new exchange partners, global and local, each offering a unique perspective. Strategic collaborations with exchanges bring XIANZAI $XIAN into exciting new territories.
T1 Exchange Listings
Increase LP
Merch and Retail products (Kicksterter / Indiegogo)
100,000+ Holders
Frequently Asked Questions